Official WeChat account creation

With a reported 1 billion+ active monthly users, 900 million WeChat Pay users, 230 million WeChat mini-program daily users and 80% of WeChat users also using WeChat for work, WeChat is an essential communication and marketing tool if your business interacts with China. Flow can help set up your WeChat business account and ensure that it is optimized for your specific business.

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With a reported 1 billion+ active monthly users, 900 million WeChat Pay users, 230 million WeChat mini-program daily users and 80% of WeChat users also using WeChat for work, WeChat is an essential communication and marketing tool if your business interacts with China. Flow can help set up your WeChat business account and ensure that it is optimized for your specific business.

Official WeChat account creation process

Official WeChat account creation

WeChat official account type selection, account name selection, WeChat official account application management.

Official WeChat account setup

WeChat official account profile, auto-reply setup, menu setup.

Latest WeChat projects

ACS WeChat

Educatius WeChat

MuMu WeChat

Stolt Tank Containers WeChat

Capsule by Juliette wechat

ACS WeChat

Educatius WeChat

MuMu WeChat

Stolt Tank Containers WeChat

Capsule by Juliette wechat

Let’s Talk.

Ready to expand into the China
digital ecosystem?

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