WordPress website maintenance with flow.asia

More than a helpdesk, flow.asia is your partner in maintaining your WordPress website.

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flow.asia knows
WordPress front to back

We have been designing and developing custom WordPress websites for nearly 15 years! This means that with flow.asia WordPress website maintenance you can feel confident that your website is up-to-date, secure, and functioning smoothly. It also means that flow.asia has solutions for your growing business needs. Whether you need a new page designed, a new team member trained to use the WordPress CMS or eCommerce integrated, flow.asia is ready to be your go-to web team.

Why the world uses WordPress

Over the last few years, the majority of websites that we’ve produced are built on WordPress. We recognized its power early. WordPress began as a platform for bloggers, but has grown into one of the most popular and sophisticated CMS platforms, and used for some of the largest enterprise and eCommerce websites. Because of its roots for the everyday person, WordPress has retained its simplicity, speed and flexibility.

  • Secure

    Flow.asia harnesses the full extent of WordPress enterprise grade security through routine monitoring, updates, and testing.

  • SEO friendly

    By default, websites built on WordPress rank well in search engine results. Our SEO experts further optimize Wordpress sites to improve SEO performance.

  • Constant improvement

    The widespread adoption of WordPress means that its functionalities are continually evolving and improving to ensure that your website is at the forefront of innovation. We’re happy to innovate a solution to meet your goals!

  • Content maintenance and training

    The WordPress CMS is famously intuitive and easy to use. Since we have experience building WordPress websites from the ground up, we can improve your WordPress admin area and train your team to make edits on almost any part of the WordPress site. Flow.asia marketing specialists can help write and design website content & marketing campaigns as well.

Why flow.asia?

Nearly fifteen years of WordPress design and development means that we understand all aspects of a WordPress website lifecycle from security to design to integrations. A WordPress website maintained by flow.asia means having a dedicated team member who is highly knowledgeable about WordPress and cares about your WordPress website’s security, upgrades, and maintenance as much as you do.

WordPress Maintenance with flow.asia means:

LPS China – Asia’s largest international property show


Scope: Branding, graphic design, UX, website design, Wordpress based development, technical maintenance, content management, server management, SEO.

“ We have been working with FLOW for many years, and we have always been impressed by their creativity, their speed and their support. FLOW team is highly efficient and is always delivering results above expectations. I highly recommend Flow!”

Olivier de Treglode - Founder & CEO, LPS China

The Beijing Center


Scope: Branding, graphic design, UX, website design, Wordpress based development, technical maintenance, content management, SEO.

“ Our center has used Flow Asia since 2016 to design, build and maintain our website, and we consider ourselves fortunate to have them as our contractor. Our maintenance retainer with Flow provides assurance that our website is being taken care of with monthly updates, backups and reports, but also allows for upgrades and improvements - most recently including vamping up our homepage and blog. The team is quick, patient and professional, with the ability to suggest solutions where appropriate and to communicate in terms we understand. We have no hesitation in recommending them.”

John Sember - Associate Director of Marketing, The Beijing Center

Elite Scholars of China


Scope: Branding, UX, website design, Wordpress based development, technical maintenance, content management, technical maintenance and server management.

“ Flow.Asia helped us build our website from scratch three years ago, and since then has helped us continue to make many changes, both modifications and additions. In working on these maintenance updates, we have been consistently impressed with Flow’s responsiveness and professionalism. They have responded to our messages quickly, made themselves available for meetings (at our offices and theirs), and introduced creative solutions to requests large and small, from building a new page to quickening the load time of a slow-to-load page. We feel lucky to have found Flow and look forward to continuing to work together!”

Katie Stewart - Senior Scholar Consultant and Web team project manager, Elite Scholars of China



Scope: UX, website design, Wordpress based development, technical maintenance.

“ FLOW is very energetic and creative, they are a professional team that I appreciate much about their attention to detail and excellent delivery.”

Yuchuan Wang, JD.com - International Communications, JD.COM

The International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation


Scope: Graphic design, UX, website design, Wordpress based development, technical maintenance, SEO.

“ The International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR, has worked with Flow Asia for a number of years on website development, management and SEO services. As the primary contact point for dealing with Flow Asia at INBAR, I am very satisfied with the quality of service they provide and the speed with which queries are resolved. Our updated website, which was designed by Flow Asia, is much more intuitive to use, and we are able to request and make modifications quickly and easily. Flow Asia’s SEO support has made a marked difference to INBAR’s visibility online.
I would recommend Flow Asia to other organisations or businesses who want a high-quality website management experience.”

Charlotte King - Communications Specialist, INBAR

Let’s take care of your website together!

Let’s take care of your website together!

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